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- «c2»«ac»THE MAG SCENE«»
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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «c7»The last year was a very «c6»positive year «c7»when it comes to the
- magscene. The old mag «c6»D.I.S.C. «c7»returned after 6 years of absence in
- January. It was a very solid comeback with a real HUGE issue.
- And that was just the start of a very good year for the scene.«»
- «»
- In January also another issue of the cool Polish mag «c6»Taboo «c7»got out. It was
- issue 3. And it didn't take long before the best issue ever of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»got
- released as well. Issue 42 which got out in February was very big and
- continued the great trend of the mags in year 2001. In April also a BIG
- issue of «c6»ShowTime «c7»got released. It was issue 16. So you could say that 4 very
- big mags had been released the 4 first months of the new year.«»
- «»
- Only a few months later the long awaited mag «c6»Devotion issue 2 «c7»got released
- as well. It was not as big as the other mags, but some sceners enjoyed it
- nevertheless. Quantity is not everything. About the same time also the
- other major Polish mag, «c6»Excess issue 7, «c7»got released.«»
- «»
- In July the «c6»EuroChart «c7»issue 43 got out. It was not as big as the previous
- issue, but still a good issue. And not very long ago, in September, «c6»Taboo 4
- got released. «c7»Once again it was a huge issue.«»
- Towards the end of the year, in November, also «c6»Jurassic Pack «c7»made a
- comeback. For the first time it wasn't released under the Gods label, and
- Sixpack and Zerox didn't write for it. Despite of that, a pretty good issue
- was released, hehe...«»
- «»
- So 2001 brought more releases than the previous years. And now in January
- 2002, «c6»D.I.S.C. issue 12 «c7»is out for you all to enjoy! But this is not
- all, this month or early next month there will probably be released another
- issue of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»also. We also expect a few mags from DarkAge to be
- released very soon, «c6»ShowTime and Jurassic Pack. «c7»Which will come first,
- we never know. In addition to that, «c6»Vortex «c7»is working on the second issue
- of their mag to be out soon. Apart from that, S!P has written that they
- will try to bring back the old «c6»Scene Lyrics. «c7»Just as some people have been
- struggling against the old founders wishes, to bring back the old mag
- «c6»Grapevine. «c7»More realistic though are that more issues of «c6»Excess and Taboo
- «c7»will be released.«»
- «»
- The more bad news is that «c6»Devotion «c7»is reported to be dead again, and that
- the mag «c6»Coctail «c7»which was announced earlier, is put on ice before the
- first issue ever got released. The same has happened to the mag «c6»Offworld «c7»it
- seems. I heard some rumours about another issue of «c6»Oepir Risti, «c7»but that's
- very uncertain.«»
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- In any case, 2001 was a «c6»great year for the magscene. «c7»Lets hope year 2002
- will be even better...«»
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- To read more about some of the diskmags mentioned here, then check out the
- reviews in the «c6»"Through The LookingGlass" «c7»section elsewhere in D.I.S.C.«»
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